
At the end of this activity, students should be better able to (select as many as apply):

take risks

see the big picture


Divide the class into groups of 5 or 6.

Get the groups to select a group name then write down each of the group names on the board.

Ask the class a question related to the topic being taught.

The first person who raises their hand gets a chance to answer the question.

Should they get the answer right, they earn the following things:

- 5 points for their group, clearly reflected next to their group name on the board

- a chance to give any other group an ‘X’ which should be reflected under their group name on the board

Should they get the answer wrong, they suffer the following penalty:

- an ‘X’ for their group reflected under their group name on the board Once any group has *3 ‘X’s, they are eliminated and can no longer answer any more questions to earn additional points.

*(The number of ‘X’s leading to elimination is arbitrary and should be based on the number of questions you are planning to ask and the number of groups in the class.

A rule of thumb is to divide the total number of questions by the total number of groups and rounded up.)

Keep going until all questions have been asked and answered. Then total up the number of points earned by each group. The group with the most points wins.

Time Needed for Activity


Additional Resources



Choosing to answer a question, knowing it might earn your group an ‘X’ trains students when to take risks. Is it a risk worth taking and is the reward/consequence worth the taking of the risk? What happens if you chose to not take any risks at all?

Deciding which team to give an ‘X’ to requires being able to see what the big picture is. Who are my greatest rivals who offer the most threat? Which choice will actually have impact and which will just be useless?


Divide the class into groups of 5 or 6.

Get the groups to select a group name then write down each of the group names on the board.

Ask the class a question related to the topic being taught.

The first person who raises their hand gets a chance to answer the question.

Should they get the answer right, they earn the following things:

- 5 points for their group, clearly reflected next to their group name on the board

- a chance to give any other group an ‘X’ which should be reflected under their group name on the board

Should they get the answer wrong, they suffer the following penalty:

- an ‘X’ for their group reflected under their group name on the board Once any group has *3 ‘X’s, they are eliminated and can no longer answer any more questions to earn additional points.

*(The number of ‘X’s leading to elimination is arbitrary and should be based on the number of questions you are planning to ask and the number of groups in the class.

A rule of thumb is to divide the total number of questions by the total number of groups and rounded up.)

Keep going until all questions have been asked and answered. Then total up the number of points earned by each group. The group with the most points wins.

Additional Resources



Choosing to answer a question, knowing it might earn your group an ‘X’ trains students when to take risks. Is it a risk worth taking and is the reward/consequence worth the taking of the risk? What happens if you chose to not take any risks at all?

Deciding which team to give an ‘X’ to requires being able to see what the big picture is. Who are my greatest rivals who offer the most threat? Which choice will actually have impact and which will just be useless?


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