
At the end of this activity, students should be better able to (select as many as apply):

pay attention


As soon as the class starts, display the chart with 15 random objects. (Refer to ‘Random Objects’ in ‘Additional Resources’

Leave the chart projected or displayed for about 5 minutes but ignore it and make no mention of it. If anyone asks you about it, just say you’ll explain later. In that 5 minutes while the chart is bring projected or displayed, divide the class into groups of 5-6. Then give out the worksheet with the questions you want answered for the day’s lesson.

Once that has been done, remove the chart or stop the projection.

Tell the class that they will be orally answering the questions on the worksheet and will get 10 points for every question they answer correctly. The first person who raises their hand once you call out the question number will get to answer the question and earn those 10 points. They do not lose points for wrong answers.

However, before they can answer any of the questions, they need to name one of the random items on the chart and specify where on the grid it was located. If they get the object or the placement wrong, they do not get a chance to answer AND they lose 5 points. They cannot pick an object that was already selected by someone else.

If at any point, nobody can remember any of the objects, display or project the chart again but for only about 30 seconds before continuing with the answering of the questions.

Time Needed for Activity


Additional Resources

Random Objects

Download ( Random Objects (Random Objects).pdf )


It is easy to pay attention to things that are relevant and ignore things that seem superfluous. But to truly expand one’s knowledge, it is important to pay attention to everything, even things that seem random. Having students focus and remember things completely unrelated to the topic makes them pay attention not only to things that they need to know but also to their surroundings in general. 


As soon as the class starts, display the chart with 15 random objects. (Refer to ‘Random Objects’ in ‘Additional Resources’

Leave the chart projected or displayed for about 5 minutes but ignore it and make no mention of it. If anyone asks you about it, just say you’ll explain later. In that 5 minutes while the chart is bring projected or displayed, divide the class into groups of 5-6. Then give out the worksheet with the questions you want answered for the day’s lesson.

Once that has been done, remove the chart or stop the projection.

Tell the class that they will be orally answering the questions on the worksheet and will get 10 points for every question they answer correctly. The first person who raises their hand once you call out the question number will get to answer the question and earn those 10 points. They do not lose points for wrong answers.

However, before they can answer any of the questions, they need to name one of the random items on the chart and specify where on the grid it was located. If they get the object or the placement wrong, they do not get a chance to answer AND they lose 5 points. They cannot pick an object that was already selected by someone else.

If at any point, nobody can remember any of the objects, display or project the chart again but for only about 30 seconds before continuing with the answering of the questions.

Additional Resources

Random Objects


It is easy to pay attention to things that are relevant and ignore things that seem superfluous. But to truly expand one’s knowledge, it is important to pay attention to everything, even things that seem random. Having students focus and remember things completely unrelated to the topic makes them pay attention not only to things that they need to know but also to their surroundings in general. 


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