
At the end of this activity, students should be better able to (select as many as apply):

be open minded

understand different working styles and cultures

think about others


Tell the students they are going to be planning a perfect class vacation.

The only rule for the vacation is that it has to in some way or another be connected to content they have been studying.

Give them about 10 minutes to plan this.

Now divide the class intro groups of 5 or 6.

Get the groups to exchange their ideas and then decide which amongst all of their plans is the best. They also have to explain how the content learnt fits in with the plan.

Once all groups have selected one, get each group to present their selected vacation and how it connects to the content.

Now as a class, they have to vote for their perfect vacation

Time Needed for Activity


Additional Resources



Picking the perfect option for anything requires being open minded to ideas and suggestions that are not your own and also why others might prefer other things based on their values and needs


Tell the students they are going to be planning a perfect class vacation.

The only rule for the vacation is that it has to in some way or another be connected to content they have been studying.

Give them about 10 minutes to plan this.

Now divide the class intro groups of 5 or 6.

Get the groups to exchange their ideas and then decide which amongst all of their plans is the best. They also have to explain how the content learnt fits in with the plan.

Once all groups have selected one, get each group to present their selected vacation and how it connects to the content.

Now as a class, they have to vote for their perfect vacation

Additional Resources



Picking the perfect option for anything requires being open minded to ideas and suggestions that are not your own and also why others might prefer other things based on their values and needs


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