
At the end of this activity, students should be better able to (select as many as apply):

actively seek new information


Write the following possible career paths on the board:

(1) Medicine

(2) Law

(3) Finance

(4) Engineering

(5) Computers/Programming

(6) Performance/Creative Arts

(7) Education

Ask the students, if they HAD to pick to work in one of these fields, which one would it be? Divide the class based on their choices. (If any particular field is particularly popular, create multiple groups.)

Ask the groups to consider the topic they had just completed studying. How can it be relevant to their work field of choice? How will they use it in that capacity? And most importantly, what else would they need to know to make this happen?

Encourage them to consider all possibilities, not just the obvious.

In groups, they should make a list. Give them 15 minutes to do so.

Time Needed for Activity


Additional Resources



Thinking about what they know is the starting platform. But they should use this platform as a springboard to ask more questions and learn even more. Making them think about the relevance of a topic to their own career paths and what they might need to discover on their own is a good way to encourage students to actively seek new information.


Write the following possible career paths on the board:

(1) Medicine

(2) Law

(3) Finance

(4) Engineering

(5) Computers/Programming

(6) Performance/Creative Arts

(7) Education

Ask the students, if they HAD to pick to work in one of these fields, which one would it be? Divide the class based on their choices. (If any particular field is particularly popular, create multiple groups.)

Ask the groups to consider the topic they had just completed studying. How can it be relevant to their work field of choice? How will they use it in that capacity? And most importantly, what else would they need to know to make this happen?

Encourage them to consider all possibilities, not just the obvious.

In groups, they should make a list. Give them 15 minutes to do so.

Additional Resources



Thinking about what they know is the starting platform. But they should use this platform as a springboard to ask more questions and learn even more. Making them think about the relevance of a topic to their own career paths and what they might need to discover on their own is a good way to encourage students to actively seek new information.


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