
At the end of this activity, students should be better able to (select as many as apply):

express themselves

understand others


Divide the class into groups of 5 to 6.

Get each student to write down a single sentence of about 10-15 words. The sentence should reflect any one thing connected to the topic they are learning. They should not show what they have written to anyone. They should then fold the paper they have written on in half and write their names on the folded paper. Give the students about 5 minutes to do so.

The start Round 1. Any one group member should start. They should whisper their sentence to the player on their right. (They can refer to what they have written but make sure no one else can see it.) This person then whispers it to the person on their left, and so on. Each person can whisper ONLY ONCE with no repeating.

Once the final group member has heard the whisper, they should write down what they have heard. Then compare what was written to the original sentence.

Every group who has the exact same sentence written gets 50 points.Deduct 5 points for every inconsistency. If there are 5 inconsistencies or more, the group gets no points.

Repeat this with the next sentence written by another group member. Keep going until all group members are done.

The group with the most point wins

Time Needed for Activity


Additional Resources



It’s easy to listen to the loudest voice in the room but it’s much more difficult to pay attention to the softer voices. By having to understand and remember whispers, the students practice their listening skills


Divide the class into groups of 5 to 6.

Get each student to write down a single sentence of about 10-15 words. The sentence should reflect any one thing connected to the topic they are learning. They should not show what they have written to anyone. They should then fold the paper they have written on in half and write their names on the folded paper. Give the students about 5 minutes to do so.

The start Round 1. Any one group member should start. They should whisper their sentence to the player on their right. (They can refer to what they have written but make sure no one else can see it.) This person then whispers it to the person on their left, and so on. Each person can whisper ONLY ONCE with no repeating.

Once the final group member has heard the whisper, they should write down what they have heard. Then compare what was written to the original sentence.

Every group who has the exact same sentence written gets 50 points.Deduct 5 points for every inconsistency. If there are 5 inconsistencies or more, the group gets no points.

Repeat this with the next sentence written by another group member. Keep going until all group members are done.

The group with the most point wins

Additional Resources



It’s easy to listen to the loudest voice in the room but it’s much more difficult to pay attention to the softer voices. By having to understand and remember whispers, the students practice their listening skills


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